gallon to ml Converter

1 gal = 3,785.411784 mL


A gallon is a unit of volume measurement in the imperial and U.S. customary systems, equivalent to four quarts or 128 fluid ounces. In the United States, it is commonly used to measure liquid capacities, such as gasoline or milk. The imperial gallon is larger than the U.S. gallon.


A milliliter (mL) is a metric unit of volume equal to one-thousandth of a liter. It is commonly used to measure small liquid quantities. Equivalent to a cubic centimeter, it is widely employed in medicine, chemistry, and everyday contexts for precise and convenient measurement of liquids in a compact scale.

Gallons to Milliliters Conversion:

To convert gallons to milliliters, you can use the following conversion factors:

1 U.S. gallon is equal to 3,785.41 milliliters.

1 Imperial gallon is equal to 4,546.09 milliliters.

So, the conversion formulas are:

U.S. Gallons to Milliliters:

  • Milliliters = Gallons×3,785.41

Imperial Gallons to Milliliters: 

  • Milliliters = Gallons×4,546.09

Simply multiply the number of gallons by the appropriate conversion factor to find the equivalent volume in milliliters.

Gallon to Milliliter Conversion Chart:



0.001 gal

3.7854 mL

0.002 gal

7.5708 mL

0.003 gal

11.36 mL

0.004 gal

15.14 mL

0.005 gal

18.93 mL

0.006 gal

22.71 mL

0.007 gal

26.5 mL

0.008 gal

30.28 mL

0.009 gal

34.07 mL

0.01 gal

37.85 mL

0.02 gal

75.71 mL

0.03 gal

113.56 mL

0.04 gal

151.42 mL

0.05 gal

189.27 mL

0.06 gal

227.12 mL

0.07 gal

264.98 mL

0.08 gal

302.83 mL

0.09 gal

340.69 mL

0.1 gal

378.54 mL

0.2 gal

757.08 mL

0.3 gal

1,136 mL

0.4 gal

1,514 mL

0.5 gal

1,893 mL

0.6 gal

2,271 mL

0.7 gal

2,650 mL

0.8 gal

3,028 mL

0.9 gal

3,407 mL

1 gal

3,785 mL